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At some point in their life, everyone will have the unfortunate experience of being involved in bullying.

Bullying doesn’t restrict itself to the playground, and despite its nature, it doesn’t discriminate. Bullying can be a physical act, like somebody pushing you in the hallway, or abusing you in your own home. It         can also manifest itself in the form of somebody saying hurtful things to you, or to others about you.

The truth is, as every second passes, someone, somewhere, is bullied. Nobody has the right to hurt you, but you have the right to stand-up, speak-out, and help not just yourself, but the millions of people who have been bullied today. AnTEES-Bullying is here to help you do just that.


The AnTees-Bullying team is made up of four Teesside University students who have created the cause in part of our Interactive Narratives module, in which we have been tasked with creating a topical website with the intention of raising awareness of our chosen cause.

We have elected to take on the challenge of raising awareness of bullying in Teesside because we feel there is not enough in the area to support local school children and let them know that they are not alone


But how can you help? It’s really couldn’t be easier for you to make a difference. Simply provide us with your name and e-mail address on our petition, and we’ll add you to the list of people who stand with us in our fight against bullying in Teesside.

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